Season 43

Lee Matthew Jackson
Outsource one small task
The action in this episode is to select a small task and outsource it. Discovering the benefits of…
Season 43

Lee Matthew Jackson
Cancel a subscription
This episode's action is to cancel at least one subscription you no longer need. Unlock the profits in…
Season 43

Lee Matthew Jackson
Disable notifications
Activity: disable as many non-essential notifications as possible in order to maximise your focus. Remove distractions and increase…

How to make your WordPress site mobile friendly (responsive)
If you are worried about making your WordPress site mobile friendly but do not currently have the right…

How to safely update WordPress
Most people are aware that it’s really important to update WordPress website regularly. That includes ensuring that your…

How to create a blog post in minutes
Writing a blog can be really hard. One of the things we often find ourselves doing is staring…

My Covid lockdown routine
Being forced to work from home, how do you keep motivated!? Here’s my routine… what’s yours!?