Painting of two hands. One in from the left, the other from the right. Both are touching index fingers.

The 7 secrets to a successful web design partnership Members Public

Working with a web design partner can be an extremely rewarding experience for an agency owner. Not only will you have the peace of mind of knowing that your project is in capable hands, but you can also learn a great deal from them in the process. There are, however,

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Should I host client websites Members Public

Austin from 20i helps us work out when it's good to host a client website.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Bonus
45:5 Words win business - Stephen Church

45:5 Words win business Members Public

Stephen outlines three lead sources and how words win business.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 45
45:4 From in-person to online - Candy Phelps

45:4 From in-person to online Members Public

Candy shares how they took their unique in-person service online.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 45
45:3 I know you’re busy but… - Barbara Carneiro

45:3 I know you’re busy but… Members Public

Barbara shares how she only works 10 hours a week and is more profitable.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 45
45:2 Invest now, get paid later - Darren Jamieson

45:2 Invest now, get paid later Members Public

Darren shares how they automated the most time-intensive task.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 45
45:1 Getting things “DoneDone” - Michael Sanders

45:1 Getting things “DoneDone” Members Public

Michael shares his agency journey from musician to Co-founder of DoneDone

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 45
44:5 Refocus on LinkedIn - Nicole Osborne

44:5 Refocus on LinkedIn Members Public

We tackle the myths and share easy-to-action LinkedIn tips and tricks.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson
Podcast Season 44