PSA: The podcast is now closed. Thank you for the years and years of conversations! Connect with me over on LinkedIn.
Signs you should slow down (And how to do it)

Signs you should slow down (And how to do it)

Lee Matthew Jackson

July 27, 2020

I have burned out multiple times running my agencies. Why? Because I ignored the signs and kept pushing forward. I put deadlines, clients and my own pride before my health and mental wellbeing.

Over the years I’ve noticed the following signs:

  • Extending my working hours
  • Poor sleep
  • Involuntary twitching
  • Poor mental health
  • De motivated
  • Feeling of being trapped

Whenever I see these patterns I engage in some of all of the following to help me slow down:

  • Admit it to myself, partners and family
  • Review my task list
  • Offload work to others
  • Fire problem clients
  • Take a long weekend/book a holiday
  • Make a hard stop
Your agency in Small Steady Steps