PSA: The podcast is now closed. Thank you for the years and years of conversations! Connect with me over on LinkedIn.
How to speed write a blog post

How to speed write a blog post

Lee Matthew Jackson

July 30, 2020

Creating any sort of content can feel almost impossible when we open up the editor window. That blinking cursor is just waiting for our opening line. When we write, we find ourselves self editing as we go. Minutes turn to hours and we either give in or we swear of writing blogs in the future.

Here is my framework for speed writing a blog post.

  1. Decide the subject (the problem)
  2. Break it down in sub headings
  3. Record an intro outlining the problem
  4. Record an “answer” to each sub heading
  5. Use a transcription service on the audio
  6. Collate, edit and publish
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