17:2 How to sell without selling - Jeremy Burnel
17:2 How to sell without selling - Jeremy Burnel

17:2 How to sell without selling

We meet the Marketing Manager of 93digital, an exciting WordPress Agency based in London. He shares insights into agency life, as well as how they generate leads through providing valuable information in multiple formats.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

We meet the Marketing Manager of 93digital, an exciting WordPress Agency based in London. He shares insights into agency life, as well as how they generate leads through providing valuable information in multiple formats. From case studies, special reports, events resources, speaking and more, 93digital have invested in creating value which in turn leads to qualified leads and great relationships.

Jeremy Burnel  - 93digital®


Jeremy Burnel



93Digital have created a range of excellent resources to help agencies and businesses effectively plan their web projects. You can check them out here.

Connect with Jeremy

Corporate site: Click here

Twitter: Click here

Further resources

How to sell a digital agency – click here


PodcastSeason 17

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs