30:1 How Lee screwed up the podcast SEO
Now and again a guest comes along who shatters my bubble and changes my mind. This happened in this episode with Pete Everitt. Full disclosure: I have created HUGE amounts of content for 4 years and invested hardly any time into SEO just assuming that the sheer volume would take care of it.
Now and again a guest comes along who shatters my bubble and changes my mind. This happened in this episode with Pete Everitt. Full disclosure: I have created HUGE amounts of content for 4 years and invested hardly any time into SEO just assuming that the sheer volume would take care of it. I have never been so wrong!
In fact as I have been unpacking the advice from Pete’s course, I’ve discovered that we are performing terribly for our target audience in the search engines and we have to make some changes if we are going to help those we so passionately want to serve.
In today’s episode, Pete shares the basic fundamentals of kicking of your SEO strategy and trust me, its a good one!
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Lee Matthew Jackson: Welcome to yet another episode with me, Mr. Lee Matthew Jackson and today we have Mr. Everitt. Hello sir. How are you today?
Pete Everitt:Sir? Oh, I could get used to this. I’m aiming to work up to sire. Somebody needs to call me sire.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Sire. Cool. I could do that now and then you’ve achieved another goal.
Pete Everitt:Thanks. I feel like I haven’t earned it, but thank you for accommodating my whims.
Pete Everitt:Well, I’ll tell you what, if you add loads of value in this podcast, I’ll call you sire at the end and that will be like your reward.
Pete Everitt:All right. Okay, well let’s go for that. I’m happy with that. Anyway mate, yes I’m very happy to be here thanks Lee.
Pete Everitt:I’m very happy to have you as well. So folks if you don’t know who Pete is, he is actually a guest who’s been on a couple of times before at least and he also keeps aligned with me on his podcast as well for some reason. So if you check out the show notes, you’ll be able to see all of Pete’s previous episodes that he’s been on with us and also we will link to all of the episodes that I’ve been on with him and you can go on a journey with Lee and. Pete. It kind of sounds like a movie. It sounds like a movie that needs to be made. Pete and I have known each other for a ridiculously long time, we get to hang out and have conversations. He came to Agency Transformation Live as well and kicked an amazing talk out of the park. Absolutely loved it. I love hanging around with this guy, so I highly recommend you go ahead and check out his podcast. That’s the marketing development podcast. There’ll be links in the show notes and also join his group because if you want to market your business, I think Pete is one of those people, he’s one of those ones to watch and ones to learn from. So how do you feel now as you had any bigger?
Pete Everitt:Naaaah, I’m going all goosebumpy and I’m blushing a little. I mean, I do have a face for radio anyway, but you know, I’m blushing a little. So that’s very, very kind of you to say. It was awesome to be at Agency Transformation Live actually and the thing, I know you mentioned the talk, the thing with that was that, you obviously needed to create a schedule of different topics to cover all your bases. You approached me with the topic of project management, which wasn’t actually necessarily my topic of choice, but because you approached me with it and I then had to stand up in front of people and talk about it. You know, we did have a reasonable project management system in place, but it made us actually dot our I’s and cross our T’s to get it right. So there was, you know, bang for the buck on both sides of that as well.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Also you don’t realise what you know, isn’t that cool. When you actually start to create content, you’re like, oh I knew this, I actually know this stuff.
Pete Everitt:It also makes you think, I know this stuff, so why aren’t we doing it?
Lee Matthew Jackson: That’s also true and I’m a pastors kid and I know that my dad used to preach things in the pulpit and not do them in the week. Well anyway, today the reason why I have got you on the show is I selfishly want to learn about SEO. So I’ve asked you on the show because it’s my way of getting free consultancy and also it then means that everybody else who’s listening to this show can get some free consultancy through me vicariously if you don’t mind. So are you happy for me to pummel you with some questions about SEO?
Pete Everitt:Pummel away, go for it.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Brilliant. Well, what I would really love is to understand kind of the pillars of SEO, if that makes sense. One of the things that really helped me transform my agency years ago was understanding what the pillars of transformation would be. Which is why we obviously have the Agency Transformation Live event, which kind of goes through those key pillars of understanding, you know, the basics. You need a basic understanding of who you are and can you build upon that. What I’d really love to understand is those sorts of pillars as it were of SEO. You know, what should I be starting with? Because frankly, it’s such a mixed message world out there. I am being emailed literally every day by people in foreign countries telling me that they can put me on a $500 retainer and do my SEO and get me back links and all sorts of stuff like that. But that means nothing to me. But equally at the same time I have clients who are telling me they’ve received an SEO report and their website is terrible apparently and there was 1,000,001 things that need to be fixed etc. So SEO just seems to be this complete frustrating mix of mixed messages. Everyone’s an expert and I think we as agency owners, A want to nail SEO for ourselves because it’s really important that we generate leads, but also B a lot of us are trying to help our clients and put ourselves in a position where we can help our clients rather than just necessarily say, I’m sorry you need an SEO guy for that.
Lee Matthew Jackson: So if we can start from a foundation of good understanding of SEO, you know that I think that will help us kind of level up as an agency. So could you help us understand these pillars and I’d love to start with the absolute basics. So as a complete beginner to SEO and honestly, you know I am, even though I interviewed you like two years ago about SEO as well, I still don’t really do it. I just create loads of content and hope for the best. I’m one of those people who play pool and I did hit and hope for the best. So I just create loads of content and then hope it works. Could you help us understand at least the bottom burger basics of SEO, what should we be considering first before we even begin any sort of optimization or any SEO tactics?
Pete Everitt:Absolutely and I think you’ve hit on a really important point right out the gate, which is that SEO doesn’t have the greatest history of all of the different disciplines of digital marketing or even agency sort of process. That’s comeback from if you go back 10, 15 years, you know, agencies would pitch themselves as SEO’s and they would take goodness knows how much money off you every month. They wouldn’t really tell you what they were doing and what they were actually doing was really buying some backlinks, but they didn’t want to tell you that. They’d then provide a report and say look how great this is we’ve now got you this term onto page one and we’ve got that term on page one. That was kind of it and there was a black hole essentially created around SEO where there was a lack of transparency and people didn’t really know what they were buying. They didn’t really know what they were getting, but they were just bombarded with reports that say,’ Hey, look how good our, look how good our agency has performed for your, for your website’ and that kind of thing.
Pete Everitt:So what we’ve tried to do and what we spent a long time doing in our agency, in previous agencies that I’ve worked in is, is working on that transparency and actually helping people understand that foundation. Now before you actually start with SEO, people see SEO is a very technical thing and it actually isn’t that technical. It’s more of a methodology than the sort of technical know how, that’s the first thing. The second thing is that you need to put your SEO into a context. SEO is completely relative. I made this comment to somebody on Facebook the other day, historically or famously, Google has 512 ish elements to its algorithm, and they’re not going to tell you what they all are. So in theory you could say, right, I have to get these 512 points right on every page for every keyword that I ever want to appear for in search engines. That’s not actually true. SEO is relative. In order to be on page one, you simply need to be doing SEO better than the other people that are already on page one. So you don’t need to worry about all 512 aspects of the Google algorithm. You just need to know who your competition is, what your goals are that you’re trying to achieve and how you’re going to achieve them. Once you understand that, actually sort of what Google does, as long as you play within their rules, it’s a bit like a game of football. As long as you play within their rules, there’s multiple ways of winning the game and that’s really where SEO kind of comes to life.
Pete Everitt:As people that now do SEO, that’s where we find fun in our job because we don’t, we don’t come to work every day in order to optimise H1 tags and make sure that your alt descriptions are on your images. You know, that that’s just, that’s boring. You do need to do that, but you can get creative with how you approach these goals. So let’s come back to your original point. I’ve been on a little bit of a wonder there, but to come back to your original question, where do you start? The first thing is to create that context. So understand what your business goals are. We talk about niche quite a lot. Really what niching is, is having a definitive understanding of your target customer and matching your products to those customers that essentially you need to have the same thing with your SEO.
Pete Everitt:In the course we use this diagram called the circle of, and it looks at the business from two points. It has the approach of, what is the state of my business at the moment? What is my turnover? How many customers do I have? What’s the average value per customer? What’s their acquisition methods? So do they come through SEO or do they come through pay per click or is it referrals or word of mouth, whatever it might be. What capacity is my business at the moment? Then it allows you to scale those things up over two or three or four years. So the purpose of this is firstly to give you a honest look at how your business is operating and how efficient you are and how targeted you are with your marketing, but then gives you basically a platform to say, right if I want to get my business from 500 grand to a million, a million quid turnover, I can now see from this diagram that I’ve not got enough stuff to do that. So I either need to employ more staff or I need to put my prices up so that we’re doing less work with the same number of people, if you see what I mean. Or it could be that I’m getting lots of new leads into the, to the business and they’re converting for one job, but my lifetime value of a customer is absolutely rubbish. So I need to improve that part of the system because I can release cash-flow over there in order to make this business work better. So at the end of the day, you don’t want to do anything with your business that is going to stop you from delighting your customers.
Lee Matthew Jackson: That’s a good line.
Pete Everitt:Oh, thank you.
Lee Matthew Jackson: I like that. That’s a tweetable.
Pete Everitt:There you go. You see first one first, I don’t know how long we’ve been recording first Chris Ducker would call it a value bomb. But yeah, you don’t do anything with your business that’s going to stop you from delighting customers. If we scaled your business or you scale your business to a point where you’re just breaking your process because you can’t physically handle it, it’s bad news for you. It’s bad news for your clients. You get bad press out of it. Ultimately it’s just not good for anybody. So before you do any of this stuff, you need to understand what your parameters are and give yourself that context.
Lee Matthew Jackson: That is brilliant. You mentioned your course, folks the reason why I’m interviewing Pete is because I know he knows his onions so that I can get this information for free. But if you want to deep dive on this before we carry on, I should probably mention marketingdevelopment.academy. You can go ahead and check his course out and I’m pretty sure Pete will sort us out with a coupon at the end of this episode. But Pete, before we carry on then what you’re saying, let me reverse brief this to you cause I want to make sure I’ve understood this and this sounds very similar to agency transformation as well. It’s understanding yourself, isn’t it? And it’s not just data. We didn’t invent this. This is this something that we should all understand is that we should understand our objective, we should understand our market, but equally, which should understand what we need to do and also be able to look at those numbers so that we can make some informed decisions of what to do next. Cause if we don’t have all of that nailed, what is the point of changing H2 to H1 when was going through? We’re going through a manual process when we don’t know why we’re doing it or what we want to achieve from it. So I think the first pillar would be kind of understanding, wouldn’t it, that those basic foundations?
Pete Everitt:Yeah, that’s exactly it. Once you’ve got that piece of information, once you’ve got that in front of you, you’re then empowered to start making decisions. So through our agency, we do run SEO retainers for people, for clients. Largely we work on one of two approaches to SEO. The first is that, well they both start with we’re going to come in and talk about your business through talking about your business. We’re going to take one of two routes through SEO. We’re either going to look at what is the product or service that makes you the most money and how can we improve your SEO so you’re getting organic traffic through that or we’re going to look at, if a lot of companies have like one product that does 80% of their turnover. So another approach is to say, right that’s doing just fine your processes are working, That is looking after itself it’s paying your bills. We don’t want to start messing with that. What we’re going to do is we’re going to start looking at these other products and services, which you’re not. You know that the other 20% and adding to your bottom line by supporting those with SEO to establish those more into your business so that you end up with multiple streams of income. Neither ways, right? Neither way is wrong, but until you understand the business, you don’t know which way to go.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Yeah, that’s really good. So we’ve now established that we do need to understand the business. We need to do some of that initial homework to go, all right, what is it that’s not performing that I would like to make perform well and allow me to achieve those relevant goals. So we can’t escape it. There’s going to be monetary planning, there’s going to be all of that sort of stuff. But when we’ve got all of that put together and I kind of begin to think how I might do all that without feeling slightly overwhelmed. What’s my next step? So let’s now say I understand that I know who my target audience is. I know what I want to achieve. I know what my business goals are and let’s say that I wanted, and let’s do real world. I now recognise that I want to drive more members to my paid premium community. So I’m at that stage now, I’ve got all my goals. I’ve got my finances. I’m already, what’s my next pillar or my next step?
Pete Everitt:Okay, so your next, so you’ve now got your business review done. Essentially you’ve understood your business. The next thing is you now need to have an understanding of your website in its current form. So this is where the good old SEO audit comes in. Now this is going to essentially crawl your website. So the search engines use something called a crawler, and basically the job of the Google crawler or the Google bot is to start at page one of the internet and it works its way through all 17 and a half billion pages and then comes back to page one again and go through them all again. That’s all it does all day every day is scanning the internet. What we need to know is how is your website already fitting within the framework of those Google rules that I was talking about?
Pete Everitt:So this does now start to come down to technical SEO. This is the, do you have the right number of H1’s? Do you have the right number of H2’s? Do you have alt tags on your images and that kind of thing, so you need to have a reality check on this point too. Now there are websites where you can run free reports, take those with a pinch of salt cause they normally trying to sell you their services to improve your SEO, but you can run free reports in the course. We recommend a low cost thing called SE Ranking that’s seranking.com it’s something like 12 bucks a month. $12 a month for the base account and simply because you pay a little bit of money, it removes that level of advertising from it so you do get a genuine report. Now when you get your report out of there, it will give you some of the software you slightly different terms, but that there’s normally three categories of issues that you get back. One is errors they are normally in red and if this was like an mot certificate for your car, they would be the failures. So in the UK every year if you’ve got a car that’s more than a couple of years old, you have to have a ministry of transport tested, prove it’s roadworthy and if your car doesn’t pass, it’s because there’s a failure on it somewhere. So these errors are like your failures for your website. You need to get those tie-dyed up. Some of them, however, may be content related. So at the moment we’re just acknowledging that they are there, and we’re going to figure out what the content is that we’re going to fill them with in a moment. We’ll get onto that.
Pete Everitt:The second thing is you then have warnings and they’re like your advisory. So again, on your mot certificate you have advisory notices and that could be that you know, your brake pads have 5,000 miles in or your tyre tread has, you know, it’s illegal, but it’s only got three mill left on it or whatever it might be. Now the key thing when it comes to that, and I’m sorry, this is as technical as I’m going to get. When it comes to things like warnings this is where you get stuff like minification of files, which if you’re a developer is quite an easy thing to understand if you’re not a developer. Then basically that that is to do with removing all of the blank space out of files so that your website doesn’t have to load it. It’s a means of speeding up your website and making your website easier for the search engines to crawl. Yeah, so the reason I mentioned that is there’s then some technical stuff that you might need to send off to your web developer, but you know what? It’s one hit. Just just get it sorted out because if you don’t address these technical things first, then essentially it’s like trying to push jelly uphill or nail jelly to a wall. Like I said with the game of football, you need to play within the rules of Google and that’s what this technical SEO is. Positioning your website within the rules in order for you then to start getting creative with your content, how you create backlinks and all of the fun stuff that can follow. So step two is to get an SEO audit done, run that, identify the content related things which we’re going to come onto in a moment. Then fix the technical things that aren’t content related, which may mean you need to speak to your web developer.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Thankfully I think most people listening are web developers.
Pete Everitt:Yeah, I realise this is so. The community that I run is positioned a bit more for sort of marketing professionals. So you know, some of this stuff we do go down sort of very base level for some of this stuff cause some people don’t have that technical understanding and that is fine. That’s why we say you may need to speak to your web developer and normally there’s only a handful of things, but at least with the report that you can give them, you can say there’s the things I need fixing, go do.
Lee Matthew Jackson: So we’ve gone from understanding. I love to recap cause it really helps me. So we now understand business goals and then we’ve then looked at our existing website or our platform and decided does it currently comply? Here’s the technical stuff. Now I hear all about keywords and everything else like that banded around, examine your keywords. Number one, I haven’t even a clue how to start working out what the keywords are but at what point do we start getting involved with keywords?
Pete Everitt:This is the next step. This is where we’re going.
Pete Everitt:So intuitively I knew, look at that.
Pete Everitt:You see, just as you were saying before, you know this stuff.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Yeah, carry on.
Pete Everitt:So whether we like it or not, the search engines are still keyword focused. People tap stuff into the search engines. That’s how they find stuff online. Now the way that keywords have been structured has changed over the last sort of 18 months or so. So we now have what’s called pillars and clusters of keywords. Now we use a tool called SEM rush, which is a premium tool online for finding keywords. If you want to be able to find your keywords for free, go and sign up for a Google ads account. I’m not going to suggest you spend any money that the account is free, but they have a keyword planner in there that will give you all of the data that SEM rush will, it’s just, it’s not quite as pretty. We’re doing things cause we’re presenting it to clients, we’re tracking keywords, we’re doing a whole lot of different stuff, which we get through SEM rush. But you don’t need to pay 400 – 500 quid a month for SEO, SEM, rush licences. You can get this data for free if you’re willing to sort of go through a whole lot of spreadsheets.
Pete Everitt:So the difference between pillar and cluster. Firstly, a pillar is like we used to call these primary keywords. So these are the keywords that are how a lot of traffic than normally short tail keywords, which means that they’re sort of four or less words, actual physical words, and if you were to run ads for them, you would pay through the nose. So it’s things like Nike trainers for example. Yeah. You know, you’re going to spend a lot of money. An agency I used to work in, we wanted to rank for eCommerce website design and we got to position one organically for that and the person above us was paying 28 quid a click. So that would be an example of a pillar keyword. It’s a very competitive keyword. The thing with keywords is they’re all relational. Just like the entire internet is relation. It’s a worldwide web. Everything links to each other and that’s how authority gets passed around. That’s how content gets passed around. Everything is linked together and keywords work in exactly the same way. So by doing your keyword research, what you’re doing is you’re identifying the pillars, the really competitive terms that, so for you Lee, for Angled Crown, it would be something like, I was gonna say web development for agencies, but that’s probably a bit off as you’re not white label. I normally use the client as an example and I’m sure you can find an example and I’m on a podcast recording. But you know, WordPress web development, WordPress web development, right?
Lee Matthew Jackson: WordPress development for designers is what we do is pretty much our very short phrase.
Pete Everitt:Okay. So the pillar in that is WordPress development. You then have by doing your keyword research, you can then find all the key terms that are related to WordPress development, but that are less competitive, they will have a lower search volume, but they’ll then be easier for you to rank for and you can basically build like a, a sort of family tree of keywords about your, about your business. So you have each of your pillars across the top and then underneath the family tree of all the related keywords and some of your related keywords might have relations to those. You could go down two or three different levels and you then create this, as I say, like family tree map. We call it a site map of your keywords. From there you can then go back to your own website and start looking at, so those page, those keywords, they all need a page of their own. You don’t need to worry too much about plurals, you know, or things like that. Google’s intelligent enough to figure that out. You park that for a minute. But you need to map each one of those keywords to a page of your website. What you’ll find is you’ll have some pages already exist and you’re able to map those straight away and then you’re left with a whole bunch of keywords that don’t have a home on your website. So you’re going to have to just reshuffle those around. And you know what? That becomes your first list of new content that you need to create. You can then go and look at that audit report and those pages that now have keywords mapped to them that already exist on your website where you’ve got things like, you know a missing H1 tag, right? Well I know that I now know that this page is about WordPress development for designers, so guess what I’m going to put in the H1 tag and then I then know that this page is also going to link to a page about why designers don’t need to understand code. So that’s going to become an H2 tag and it’s going to have a link within it that’s going to link off to another one. Do you know what I mean?
Lee Matthew Jackson: I’m going to write that, you’ve given me content ideas now.
Pete Everitt:So you can all of a sudden where you once had this big long list of stuff from your SEO audit report and you’re thinking, I don’t know what to put, I know I need an H1 tag on here, but I don’t know what to put in it. All of a sudden we’re starting to fill those gaps so that that’s how you then go about performing your keyword research. So keyword research actually has two parts to it. It’s the keyword research itself and if you’re doing the Google ads keyword planner, it’s a free way of getting the content, getting the data, but be prepared for death by spreadsheet is like dozens and dozens and dozens of spreadsheets. If you pay for another piece of software, then it eases that process a bit. That’s the first part and then the second part is then doing keyword mapping. Actually if you go to my website peteeveritt.com there’s a popup that will give you a template for how to do your keyword mapping. It is an Excel document because we actually use InDesign for us to make it look pretty and not everybody has that. So we mapped it up into um, into Excel just so that it was available for everybody. So do you want me to move on to the next step as far as I’m sort of in a flow or have you got any questions on keywords?
Lee Matthew Jackson: No, that sounds great. Let me again reiterate cause I’m one of those brains I have to keep making sure I’ve got it. So we’ve said understand your goals. We’ve then said audit what you’ve got. We’ve then said do your research on all your keywords and that’s going to be based on the fact that you understand those goals that you have and you also understand the technical issues that you’ll site might have. So now you, I can now start to make some balance decisions on what I’m going to do with my website. I’m going to assume, and I’m now cheating because I’ve loaded up your website that the next step is going to be content.
Pete Everitt:Yeah, that’s exactly it. That’s exactly it. Well I’ve already mentioned it.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Well I know, but I want it to sound clever for a second.
Pete Everitt:All right. So yeah, you’ve already got your first list of content that you need to create and that’s basically to go and optimise those pages that you’ve mapped keywords for, and then those, those keywords that you didn’t have any content for, that you can then go in and start creating content for those. Now, whether you like it or not, Google still works by the written word, and I know we all have podcasts and I know we all like doing YouTube videos and all that kind of thing, and if that’s the best way that you can create content, you go for it. What you need to do is figure out a process to get that content into writing onto your web page so that Google can actually index it.
Pete Everitt:So I know Lee, for example, all your podcasts have transcripts, perfect way of doing it. If you do a a YouTube video, YouTube videos are brilliant on websites because it increases the amount of time people spend on them. So I’m not, I’m not knocking these other forms of content at all, but you still need to get to the end point of these need to be words on the page in order for Google to understand them. That’s all I’m saying. There’s then a methodology for how you apply keywords onto your page. So you then go and write that piece of content about why designers don’t need to code because that is a new piece of content that you’re writing. So I don’t know you, I know, I know that you do lots of different forms of content. So you do a Frank Friday about it, which is fine. It gets people on, gets people, gets you a video, people subscribed your channel great, keeps you front of mind. That doesn’t really help you for SEO though, cause it’s only parked on YouTube. So what you need to do is you want to then create a page of your website that is going to have the video on it. That’s absolutely fine. It’s then going to have a full transcript underneath. When you get your transcript, you then go into if the, a lot of the services literally just give you a transcript. It is just the words all typed out in paragraphs. That is it. You then need to add a bit of structure to this.
Pete Everitt:So what you’re going to do is you’re firstly going to think about your headline for the page that needs to be optimised. It needs to include a level of emotion. It needs to include the target keyword for that page. So in this case why designers don’t need to code and it’s going to, it needs to fit within the SEO title length. Again, free things on the internet. Or if you’ve got something like SEO press within your WordPress install, you can, you can see where the meta title is gonna be. It will tell you if you’re going too long or too short, that kind of thing. So there’s a few little parameters around that. There’s a tool by CoSchedule, which is completely free, which will scan your headlines for you. So you go on tap in a headline, it’ll give you a score, tell you how good it is. If it’s not optimised, you can then start playing with it basically to to try and improve that score. I’m not a massively great writer. That’s why I started a podcast. I can talk to people. If I write stuff, it’s always very dry. But I do like playing with the headline optimizer on CoSchedule. It’s fun to try and beat it. So you go and write your optimised headline. You then have to optimise your copy.
Pete Everitt:So your page gets structured in sections using H2 tags, I should say. Your headline will always be in your H1 tag at the top. So if you’ve got the WordPress editor, you can set that if there’s not one in your theme already. Most developers now build themes with the H1 heading to have the page title or something like that. So you then need to section up this content. So you’re going to section this book into themes surrounding your target keyword. So again, looking back at your keyword map, I know that why web designers don’t need to code, also needs to fit into web design and needs to fit into WordPress development let’s say. So I’m gonna write my headline, I’m gonna write the first body copy and within the first 100 words. I’m going to confirm the target keyword for this page, which is web designers don’t mean to code. So then the first 100 words, I’m going to get that phrase in again. I’m then going to move down a couple of paragraphs and I’m then going to put in an H2 heading, which talks about why web design is an art form of its own right for example. So you know, I’m going to then talk about how designers don’t need to feel the constraints around code. They need to have freedom of mind or all this kind of stuff. I’m making this up off the top of my head whether you agree with me or not, it’s an example. So we then put web design or web designer within our H2 tag. I then need to make sure that that keyword is then also within the first 100 words after that H2 tag. So you’ve got to think about how you place your keywords within your content. So every time you want to include a new keyword, it needs to appear in H2 and it then needs to appear within the first 100 words after it. If you then have subsections to those sections, you then use H3 titles for those and you’d go through the same process. Now in your H3’s it may be that you want to include the keyword web designer again to give that a bit of extra weight. But by analysing the copy that’s already on page one for that term, you can then start to make those decisions. Basically in dev speak, we’d call it nesting going all back, all those ways to all those years to when we used to build websites out of tables and you used to nest tables doing exactly the same thing with keywords. You nest them in each one, H1 at the top, nest in H2 nested H3 nest in H4 nest in H5 nest in H6. I’ve never seen a website have so many subsections that you get down to H6’s. If you’re getting that far, you probably need to think about restructuring the page cause you’re getting a bit too heavy so that that’s then how about how you use your keywords within that content.
Pete Everitt:When you’ve then written that content, you load it to your website, you go back to your keyword map and you can see where this page fits within the wider context of your own website. You then need to go and create backlinks, internal backlinks from other content on your website to this new page. When you create that backlink, you’re going to use the primary keyword, which is why web designers don’t need to code. And that’s how you integrate your piece of content into your current website structure. I’ve said you quite a lot there.
Lee Matthew Jackson: You have, I am just kind of in awe right now. All right. So I think we should stop there simply because I will be overwhelmed because I’ve already learnt so freaking much that I’m kind of excited to get started. Started on some SEO and why I have done, because I really wanted to test some of this stuff you were saying cause I mean you and me have had this conversation to be honest a few times and I’ve had it with other people as well that I am concerned out there that there are a lot of quote unquote experts out there who are showing me that I can do some amazing things and selling me all these dreams, etc. I’m struggling with how to work out whether or not they’re just leading me down the garden path or whether they’re actually for real. This wasn’t really a test of you cause I was trying to get some free advice and I just have, but also it’s really helped me understand, you obviously know what you’re talking about. I’m sat here, so the whole time you’ve been talking, I’m still at SE Rankign mate. I mean you’ve gone off and told us about going onto content as well and also how to structure the page and helps us understand the importance of a H1 and that whole page structure and don’t go all down to age six. But I’ve just been popping in competitors into SE Ranking. I’ve been seeing what I want to do. I’ve put putting key words, I’ve realised that if I type in design podcasts, I don’t appear anyway. If I tap in agency podcast, I’m kind of like several results down but there’s tonnes of other pages ahead of me that shouldn’t even be ranking for agency podcast. I’m thinking, Holy moly, I need to go into the content. I need to look at my content. I need to work on this. I need to be more purposeful in my choice of language. I need to use that CoSchedule you mentioned who’ve got the headline analyzer. I need it to be purposeful.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Actually, I have been doing myself a disservice and if you listen to past podcasts, people know that I am lazy when it comes to SEO. I can create content til the cows come home. But SEO has been this constant bug bear and I think I said to you, I buy your course but I’m too busy. I think I actually need to bite the bullet and buy your freaking course and follow this because I can see that I’m probably missing out on a huge audience of people. You know, I can see the search volume for design podcast and it’s humongous. I’m looking at SE Ranking right now. I’m using a free trial just signed up. I’ll see you mentioned it and I’m thinking there is a humongous amount of information here that will help me understand how to write better content and not cheat the system, but improve the quality of the search results. I did like the keyword suggester and it suggested guest names and all sorts of rubbish because we’ve not actually structured some of the content and made it available and visible. If you go inside of our membership, there is actually tonnes of stuff in there that would be amazing for Google to go, oh yeah, we’ll have a piece of that. We’ll share that. What we actually have planned, and we’ve been working on this for a little while and Matt has actually seen some of the designs we’re launching the new version of Agency Trailblazer where people will actually get to see a snippet of everything that’s inside our membership, including like the first paragraph, etc. I know that and it’s in its own right, will actually help us in this because this covers a lot of the search terms that I’m seeing that people are using in here. So we’ve got all of this stuff hidden behind a paywall and Google can’t even see it. So I’m like, ah man, there’s so much. Anyway carry on.
Pete Everitt:Just two things very quickly. Just to reiterate the point I made right back at the start is that this is where SEO, there’s a technical bit that you can’t get past. You need to get those technical right. But actually SEO good SEO itself is a methodology. It’s a mentality of saying, right, I’m going to create content like this, think of Amy Woods with her,content repurposing, this is exactly what she is doing. She’s creating content in a way that is easy for her to do it and then she has a process to make sure it gets repurposed in different ways. All you’re doing is making your content the way you want to make it and making sure you repurpose it SEO’d, that’s all you’re doing. The second thing to mention is more than happily stopped there because, yeah, I’m aware I’ve basically been talking solid for nearly an hour. So that’s, that is only half the course we got as far as module three. In the course with that, then the overarching modules then to, to finish the course are making content work for you. So that’s all about distribution, building backlinks, having distribution protocols all that kind of stuff. We then look at maximising exposure. So we look at finer on page things like UX optimizations, how to reduce bounce rates. We go into or what that is, we then look off page stuff. So how you can start to make sure you Google my business listings, doing finding citations, that kind of stuff. Then the very final module of the course is about measuring success and that is we have some templates in there, how we do our reporting, the automated stuff we have, how to set up Google analytics, measuring KPIs and basically tying it right back into that plan for your business that we made right back in state step one. So that’s, that’s how the second half of the course is structured.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Guys, if you like me have listened to this and are challenged and number one, are thinking ha Lee, you were trying to get free consultancy and then you were like, Oh, I just think I need a piece of this. Then please check out marketingdevelopment.academy for this course. I think this is one that is next for me as well because I do really believe I’ve been leaving some really important education on the table here for four years. So I have been making so much content and I am not making that content necessarily work for me. This is for me about getting the message of agency trailblazer out to as many people as I can because I want to change lives and I am doing them a disservice by not doing it. So, I am really challenged by what you’ve shared with us today. Mate, thank you so much for being really generous with the education you’ve just given us, you’ve already given me so much value that you’ve kind of changed my mind on what I need to be doing on SEO and also given me some free strategy which I haven’t even had to pay for. So that’s phenomenal. So folks, remember marketingdevelopment.academy you are being even more generous by giving us a code, which I believe is AGENCYTRAILBLAZER. What do we get for that code?
Pete Everitt:That’s absolutely it. So if you pop AGENCYTRAILBLAZER in at the checkout, you’ll get an extra $30 off the cost of the course.
Lee Matthew Jackson: That is very kind. So if you want an extra $30 off that course, use AGENCYTRAILBLAZER as your code. Mate lets come into land with us all feeling sorry for you because I know you’ve been on your own being a single dad for a few days and everyone says, ah, and you’ve been sharing cool pictures of what’s been going on, on social media with your kids and on our level that, but tell us why. Why have you been a single dad for the last few days?
Pete Everitt:My wife Gabriella is currently halfway up Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. She’s one of 24 treckers, hiking up Kilimanjaro for the development of a new A&E and cancer facility at Sheffield children’s hospital. So yeah, she’s away for 10 nights. We’re now five sleeps in five sleeps in five to go. The kids haven’t yet been late for school. Everybody’s had a pack lunch, things are happening, the washing’s been done, everything’s working. But actually we were just super proud of gaps that she’s, she’s taken on this, she’s got a just giving page, which I know you’re going to put a link in the show notes and seriously any support would be amazing. I know when this airs she’ll still have four days to go and she’s not got any internet access. So if you’re able and willing to give her a donation, it will just blow her mind when she gets back to that hotel on Saturday morning and can see her just giving total. So yeah, if people would be willing to support and if you don’t want to do it for Gabs do it for me. I’m out numbered with children for 10 days. I mean,
Lee Matthew Jackson: Yeah man. So if you feel sympathy, but I mean it’s, so she’s raising money for the children’s hospital charity specifically here I was reading the children’s cancer ward as well, which is super freaking important. I mean we’ve got connections with families who have lost children or have children who are struggling with cancer. So it’s something that’s really close to our hearts, as both a business and as individuals. So we certainly try and support those good causes. In the show notes will be a link to Gabriela’s page if you want to shoot Pete an encouraging message, telling him is doing a good job because we’re all blokes and we just need lots of encouragement. Then also, how can people do that? Pete, how can they connect with you and then we’ll kick you off the show.
Pete Everitt:They can find all my contact details are on peteeveritt.com. You can find me on there.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Oh got his own domain. He must be famous.
Pete Everitt:I know. Well, you know that that was a piece of advice from Gary V actually, which was if you want to do something for your kids for the future, go and buy the dot com. I say say it like I’m name dropping. It was on a podcast.
Lee Matthew Jackson: Oh, okay.
Lee Matthew Jackson: peteeveritt.com everyone. Sorry me and Pete are the worst for digressing and going off on randoms cause we’re great mates. Pete, you are really a good mate. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you so much for giving all of that value. I hope people can support Gabrielle, even if it’s a pound or a dollar every, every little does help. So if you can, folks, please do. Again folks, if you are like me and you’re thinking I need to get me some marketing advice on SEO, then go to marketingdevelopment.academy and remember, if you want $30 off, which you could then donate to Gabrielle that’s AGENCYTRAILBLAZER as the coupon. Pete, thank you so much.
Pete Everitt:No worries at all. Thanks for having me on, mate.