Meet Mark Asquith who has successfully launched a niche WordPress web business, providing web build platform to podcasters around the world! Yep, we’ve mentioned this idea a few times on the podcast, and here is a guy who has a success of it. Sit back, relax, enjoy the show, but then get back up afterwards and start planning your launch!
Warning! The odd expletive sneaks it’s way in. His accent though makes them musical!
The Niche Platform:
Here it is! Podcast Websites
They found an industry, defined the problems, and created a WordPress based solution. Boom! Inspiring to say the least.
WordPress Plugins:
Yoast (The old favourite):
Yep Mark, everyone says that! But we loved your description and back story!
Plus he advises get a good backup plugin. Can’t agree more!
Connect With Mark:
Podcast Websites:
PW’s Twitter:
Marks Twitter:
His Podcast:
His Agency:
Hacksaw Twitter:
Home number: 01374, #Kidding.