15:3 Building An Agency Abroad - Martin Suttill
15:3 Building An Agency Abroad - Martin Suttill

15:3 Building An Agency Abroad

Ever dreamed of building an agency in a far and distant land? Martin Suttill has done just that, and had a fascinating journey getting there. The exciting thing is, he’s not finished yet and is in the process of designing their new office!

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Ever dreamed of building an agency in a far and distant land? Martin Suttill has done just that, and had a fascinating journey getting there. The exciting thing is, he’s not finished yet and is in the process of designing their new office!

Martin Suttill - 54 Solutions Ltd.


Martin Suttill

54 Solutions Ltd.

54 Solutions have grown a strong local client base in Peru and have found ways to offer services beyond the standard web build.

In this episode

  • Martin shares their employee onboarding process
  • Touches on the importance of understanding the data behind the design
  • Highlights client communications
  • Discusses giving value for money
  • Shares how sometimes the bigger agencies get the credit for his teams work
  • And way more than we could possibly list 😉

Connect with Martin

Website – click here

Email: martin@54solutions.com


PodcastSeason 15

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs